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How much does it cost to run a hot tub? A comprehensive guide

how much does it cost to run a hot tub

Buying a hot tub is an exciting idea, but hidden behind this are the running costs, including the electricity bill. At some point, you may ask “How much does it cost to run a hot tub?” Did you know that the most energy-efficient tubs with a 3kw heater cost between £1.00 and £1.30 to run daily? This article will guide you through all aspects influencing your hot tub’s running costs, from electrical consumption to servicing needs, while ensuring you have warm water for your spa.

Ready to dive into the topic of hot tub operating expenses? Let’s explore the costs associated with spas, including energy costs, water costs, and how they can impact your electric bill.


  • The most energy-efficient hot tubs cost between £1.00 and £1.30 to run daily.
  • The running costs of hot tubs include electricity usage, servicing and maintenance expenses, as well as the cost of consumables and water care products. These costs can be affected by the current energy tariffs and energy price cap regulations.
  • The size of a hot tub significantly impacts its running cost, with larger tubs generally requiring more energy for heating due to their greater volume of water.
  • Cheaper hot tubs, such as inflatables, may end up costing more in the long run due to poor heat retention capabilities and inefficient water temperature maintenance.
  • Proper insulation, lower temperature settings, water conservation measures, and regular filter cleaning can help minimise hot tub running costs.
  • Using off-peak energy, properly using covers, maintaining water cleanliness, and switching off lights when not in use are effective strategies for reducing hot tub operating expenses.

Running costs of a hot tub

Running a hot tub comes with various costs, including electricity usage, servicing and maintenance expenses, as well as the cost of consumables and water care products.

Electricity usage

Navigating the realm of hot tub electricity usage isn’t as daunting as it seems. The main thing to understand is that hot tubs leverage an electric heater to warm the spa water to your desired temperature.

Both the size and model, alongside ambient temperature, frequency, duration of use, jet usage and preferred water temperatures influence a tub’s energy consumption. Fun fact: A titanium hot tub heater conducts heat more efficiently than its stainless steel counterpart! Regardless of their kW rating – which only affects how quickly they heat up – heaters don’t significantly alter energy usage.

With high-density foam insulated models being more energy-efficient and air-source heat pumps available for heating cost reduction, you can find ways around bumping up those kilowatt-hours on your electricity bill.

Servicing and maintenance

Keeping your hot tub running smoothly involves regular servicing and maintenance. This can include tasks such as checking the water quality, adjusting pH levels, cleaning filters, and ensuring the heater functions optimally. Ignoring routine check-ups can lead to operational inefficiencies that might ramp up your energy bills over time.

You have a few options here: either take on these chores yourself or opt for professional help with hot tub service plans. A typical service plan encompasses comprehensive checks of all vital hot tub electrical components, plumbing systems, and insulation layers – often carried out by certified hot tub service engineers who adhere to rigorous industry standards like BISHTA or SGS guidelines.

Servicing costs can vary depending on the frequency (monthly/quarterly/yearly) and level (DIY/basic/premium) of services availed but tend to range from £150-£700 per year approximately.

Irrespective of your choice between DIY efforts or expert services, what’s crucial is never to overlook any signs of malfunction in your home spa!

Consumables and water care products

Keeping your hot tub water clean and balanced is a crucial aspect of running costs that’s often overlooked. It involves investing in essential consumables and water care products. Hot tub owners need to maintain a small supply of chemicals, sanitisers or saltwater systems to maintain the right pH levels in their spa.

These items ensure your hot tub remains hygienic, preventing corrosion or damage caused by imbalanced water conditions. Moreover, consider the cost of replacing filters which play a pivotal role in managing your hot tub’s cleanliness while enhancing its performance overall.

Always opt for quality home spa maintenance products despite seeming like an extra expense initially – they are vital for longer-term savings.

Impact of hot tub size on running cost

The size aspect also has a significant impact on how much does it cost to run a hot tub. Smaller hot tubs generally have lower running costs compared to larger ones due to their smaller volume of spa water and faster heating time.

Small vs large hot tubs

The size of a hot tub can undeniably impact the running cost, and it’s essential to weigh up the pros and cons of small versus large tubs.

Small Hot TubsLarge Hot Tubs
Small hot tubs usually hold less volume of water and, therefore, require less energy for heating. At RotoSpa we have the perfect small luxury model.Large hot tubs require more energy for heating due to the greater volume of water.
They represent a more affordable upfront investment but may lack some of the luxury features of larger models. For their first hot tub purchase, many people lean towards an inflatable. However, this is a false economy, because they don’t have the same insulation properties as hard-shelled hot tubs. Inflatables also have a decreased lifespan of only 3 – 5 years.Though they may have a heftier price tag, large hot tubs often come with high-end luxury features. Our DuraSpa S160 ticks all the luxury boxes without the large price tag, and when combined with a heat pump, you can reduce energy costs by up to 75%!
Smaller hot tubs generally have less powerful heaters. This could lead to longer heating times, even if the kW rating is lower.Large hot tubs typically feature stronger heaters that heat water more quickly, despite having a higher kW rating.
While high-density foam insulation improves energy efficiency, if a small hot tub lacks this feature, it could lead to increased running costs. All RotoSpa hot tubs are made with Duralon, which has outstanding insulation and noise-reduction properties.Many large hot tubs come with high-density foam insulation as standard. All RotoSpa hot tubs are made with Duralon, which has outstanding insulation and noise reduction properties.
Air source heat pumps and properly sealed covers can significantly reduce the running costs of a small hot tub.While large hot tubs can also benefit from air-source heat pumps and tightly sealed covers, their larger size may still result in higher running costs.
Keeping the water clean and undertaking regular maintenance is crucial for small tubs, particularly as smaller filters may need replacing more often.Large tubs also require regular maintenance and cleaning, though their larger filters may last a bit longer, reducing the cost and frequency of replacements.


Why cheaper hot tubs could be more expensive in the long run

Opting for a cheaper hot tub may seem like a great way to save some money upfront, but it could end up costing you more in the long run. Cheaper hot tubs typically have poor heat retention capabilities and inefficient water temperature maintenance, resulting in higher energy consumption.

This means that your electricity bills could be significantly higher with a cheaper hot tub compared to a more expensive, energy-efficient model. So while it might be tempting to go for the budget option, investing in a high-quality, energy-efficient hot tub can save you money on your running costs over time.

ALSO READ: How much is a hot tub?

Factors affecting hot tub energy consumption

Insulation, temperature settings, water conservation, and filter cleaning all play a role in the energy consumption of a hot tub.


Proper insulation is a key factor in controlling the running costs of your hot tub. Hot tubs that lack sufficient insulation can result in daily running costs increasing up to five or six times.

However, hot tubs with high-density foam insulation are more energy-efficient and help to retain heat effectively, reducing energy consumption and ultimately saving you money on your electricity bills.

Additionally, a well-insulated hot tub will also ensure that the water remains at a consistent temperature for longer periods, allowing you to enjoy your relaxing soak without constantly having to reheat the water.

Temperature settings

The temperature settings of your hot tub can have a significant impact on its energy consumption and running costs. The higher the water temperature, the more energy it takes to heat and maintain it at that level.

So, if you want to minimise your energy usage and reduce your electricity bills, consider lowering the temperature slightly. Even a small decrease can make a noticeable difference in running costs over time.

It’s also worth keeping in mind that ambient temperature plays a role – if your hot tub is located outdoors in colder climates, it will require more energy to maintain the desired temperature compared to an indoor one.

Water conservation

Conserving water is not only good for the environment, but it can also help lower your hot tub running costs. Hot tubs require a certain amount of water to operate effectively, and constantly refilling and heating that water can be expensive.

By taking simple steps to conserve water, you can reduce both your usage and your bills. For example, regularly checking for leaks in the plumbing system and fixing them promptly can prevent unnecessary water wastage.

Additionally, using a thermal floating blanket when not in use can help reduce evaporation and therefore decrease the need for constant refills. These small measures may seem insignificant, but they can add up to significant savings over time.

Filter cleaning

Regular filter cleaning is essential for maintaining the efficiency of your hot tub and reducing energy consumption. Dirty filters can restrict water flow, causing the hot tub’s heater and pump to work harder, which ultimately leads to higher energy usage.

By cleaning or replacing your hot tub filters regularly, you ensure that debris and contaminants are removed from the water efficiently, allowing the system to function optimally. This not only helps in keeping your hot tub running smoothly but also contributes to lower energy bills in the long run.

So, make sure you include routine filter cleaning as part of your hot tub maintenance routine to keep it operating at its best while minimising energy costs.

Tips to minimise hot tub running costs

To minimise hot tub running costs, use off-peak energy, properly use covers, maintain water cleanliness, and switch off lights when not in use.

Use of off-peak energy

One effective way to minimise the running costs of your hot tub is by taking advantage of off-peak energy. By using electricity during low-demand hours, you can potentially save on your energy bills.

Off-peak times usually occur during the night when fewer people are consuming electricity, resulting in lower rates. This means that if you schedule your hot tub’s filtration and heating cycles to run during these hours, you can enjoy significant cost savings over time.

So, instead of running your hot tub during peak hours when electricity prices are higher, consider adjusting your settings to take full advantage of off-peak energy rates and keep those operating costs down.

Proper use of covers

Using a hot tub cover properly is essential for keeping running costs down. A well-insulated and properly sealed cover prevents heat loss, which can significantly reduce energy consumption.

By ensuring that the hot tub cover is closed tightly when not in use, you can minimise evaporation and keep the water temperature constant, saving you money on heating. It’s also important to regularly clean and maintain your hot tub cover to ensure its effectiveness in reducing heat loss.

Taking these simple steps will help you enjoy your hot tub while keeping running costs low.

Maintaining water cleanliness

Proper maintenance is essential to ensure clean and safe water in your hot tub. Here are some tips to help you maintain water cleanliness:

  1. Regular cleaning. Clean your hot tub at least once a week to remove dirt, debris, and organic matter that can contaminate the water.
  2. Skim the surface. Use a skimmer net to remove leaves, insects, and any floating debris from the surface of the water.
  3. Check pH levels. Monitor and adjust the pH levels of your hot tub regularly to prevent bacterial growth and ensure optimal water quality. The recommended pH level is between 7.2 and 7.8.
  4. Sanitise with chlorine or bromine. Add chlorine or bromine tablets or granules to your hot tub as per the manufacturer’s instructions to kill bacteria and prevent algae growth.
  5. Shock treatment. Periodically shock your hot tub with a non-chlorine or chlorine-based shock treatment to oxidise contaminants such as body oils, sweat, and lotions that may accumulate in the water.
  6. Filter maintenance. Clean or replace the filter cartridge regularly to keep it free from debris and maintain optimal filtration efficiency.
  7. Water replacement. Drain and refill your hot tub every three months or as recommended by the manufacturer to minimise chemical buildup and ensure fresh, clean water.
  8. Test water quality. Use test strips or a testing kit to check water parameters such as chlorine/bromine levels, pH levels, alkalinity, calcium hardness, and total dissolved solids (TDS) regularly.
  9. Avoid contaminants. Educate users about proper hygiene practices before using the hot tub, such as showering beforehand and avoiding entering the water with lotions, oils, sunscreen, or dirty swimwear.
  10. Prevent algae growth. Keep your hot tub covered when not in use to prevent sunlight exposure that can promote algae growth. Additionally, use algaecide treatments as recommended.

Switching off lights when not in use

Switching off the lights when your hot tub is not in use may seem like a small step, but it can make a noticeable difference in reducing your running costs. Keeping the lights on unnecessarily consumes electricity, adding to your overall energy usage and increasing your monthly bills.

By making it a habit to turn off the lights when you’re finished enjoying your hot tub, you’ll be actively saving money and minimising wasteful energy consumption. It’s a simple yet effective way to keep those running costs down without compromising on the enjoyment of your hot tub experience.


In conclusion, the cost of running a hot tub depends on several factors such as size, insulation, temperature settings, and water care. By investing in an energy-efficient hot tub with proper insulation using smart practices like off-peak energy usage and maintaining water cleanliness, you can minimise running costs.

Remember to consider these factors when choosing a hot tub to ensure it fits your budget and provides optimal enjoyment. So go ahead, and relax in your hot tub without worrying about breaking the bank!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How much does it cost to run a hot tub?

The cost of running a hot tub can vary depending on factors such as the size of the tub, how often it is used, the temperature setting, and local energy rates. On average, hot tub owners can expect to spend around £30-£50 per month on electricity.

2. What are the main factors that contribute to the running cost of a hot tub?

The main factors that contribute to the running cost of a hot tub include heating and maintaining water temperature, powering jets and pumps for circulation and filtration purposes, insulation quality, ambient temperature, frequency of use, and local utility rates.

3. Are there any ways to reduce the running costs of a hot tub?

Yes, there are several ways to reduce the running costs of a hot tub. These include using an energy-efficient model with good insulation, keeping your hot tub covered when not in use to minimise heat loss, lowering the water temperature slightly when not in use for extended periods, and regularly cleaning and maintaining efficient filters/pumps/jets for optimal performance.

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