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Exploring hot tub yoga: Poses and exercises to try

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photo source: Peaks and Pods

The fusion of traditional yoga practices with the soothing embrace of warm waters has given rise to an innovative wellness trend: doing hot tub yoga. This unique combination offers the dual benefits of yoga’s physical and mental health enhancements, alongside the relaxation properties of a hot tub. 

In this article, we will explore various yoga poses and exercises tailored to the hot tub environment, highlighting their specific benefits and offering practical guidance for practitioners of all levels.


  • Hot tub merges yoga’s benefits with warm water’s relaxation, enhancing flexibility and calm.
  • Preparation involves creating a calming space, using proper gear, and initial warm-ups.
  • Beginner poses emphasise balance, flexibility, and mental clarity in a supportive setting.
  • Intermediate poses increase the challenge, focusing on strength and advanced yoga techniques.
  • Regular practice combining hydrotherapy and yoga fosters holistic health and relaxation.

The basics of hot tub yoga

Creating a unique and effective wellness practice, hot tub yoga combines the ancient discipline of mind-body exercise with the therapeutic properties of warm water. This blend offers enhanced flexibility, muscle relaxation, and a calming of the mind, all within the comforting embrace of warm water. 

The optimal temperature when doing yoga in a hot tub is typically between 35°C to 40°C, providing enough heat to relax muscles without being overly hot. Safety is paramount in hot tub yoga. Practitioners should stay hydrated, limit their sessions to avoid overheating and listen to their bodies to avoid discomfort. 

This approach to yoga is not only physically beneficial but also offers a peaceful and meditative environment, ideal for those looking to combine physical activity with relaxation.

Preparing for your hot tub yoga session

Preparing for a hot tub yoga session involves creating an environment conducive to relaxation and focus. Adjusting the lighting to a soft, soothing level and playing tranquil music can enhance the experience. 

Essential items include a non-slip, waterproof yoga mat for safety and stability, along with towels and plenty of water for hydration. Before entering the hot tub, it’s beneficial to engage in a light warm-up to prepare the muscles for exercise. This can include gentle stretching or basic yoga poses. 

Mental preparation is also key. Spending a few moments in quiet reflection or meditation can help in focusing the mind and setting intentions for the practice. This preparation not only ensures a safer practice but also enhances the overall yoga experience.

Beginner-friendly poses for hot tub yoga

Practising yoga in a hot tub is an inviting way to begin your wellness journey. Here, we focus on the two most beginner-friendly poses, each offering unique benefits while being adaptable to the hot tub environment.


photo source: YogaJournal

This seated posture is ideal for meditation and breathing exercises. Sit cross-legged, spine straight, hands resting on knees. The warm water helps relax the muscles, making it easier to maintain a straight back. This pose aids in improving posture, calming the mind, and easing menstrual discomfort.

Lotus pose

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photo source: Yoga International

This is another classic yet demanding yoga posture. It requires you to sit cross-legged in the hot tub with each foot placed atop the opposite thigh. Keep your spine erect and your head held high, embodying tranquillity and focus. 

Initially, maintain this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, gradually increasing the duration. Switching leg positions adds balance to the practice, enhancing flexibility and mental discipline in this serene, aquatic environment.

Intermediate poses to elevate your practice

As you gain confidence and stability, you can venture into more challenging poses. These two intermediate poses below not only enhance physical strength and flexibility but also deepen mental focus and balance.

Half lord of the fishes pose

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photo source: Gaia

Sit with legs stretched out. Bend one knee, placing the foot outside the opposite thigh. Twist your torso towards the bent knee, placing the opposite elbow outside the knee as leverage. This pose increases spinal elasticity and tones the abdominal organs.

Boat pose

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photo source: YogaUOnline

Sit, knees bent, feet flat. Lean back slightly and lift your feet, balancing on your sitting bones. Extend your arms forward, parallel to the ground. This poses challenges to the core muscles and improves balance and digestion.

For each of these poses, the warm water in the hot tub aids in muscle relaxation and joint mobility, making the practice both effective and enjoyable. As you transition between poses, focus on your breath, allowing the heat and buoyancy of the water to deepen your yoga experience.

Balancing and strengthening exercises in a hot tub

The hot tub setting offers a unique environment for balancing and strengthening exercises. The natural buoyancy and resistance of water can significantly enhance the effectiveness of these exercises. One-legged stands, for instance, become more challenging yet safer in water. 

Standing on one leg, you can raise the other knee to hip height, holding the position as long as comfortable. This exercise improves balance, strengthens leg muscles, and enhances core stability. Gentle twists are another excellent exercise in this setting. Sitting or standing, rotate your torso from side to side, engaging your core muscles. 

The resistance of the water adds intensity to this movement, strengthening the abdominal muscles and improving spinal flexibility. These exercises, performed with controlled, deliberate movements, are especially beneficial in the supportive environment of warm water, reducing the risk of injury and enhancing overall muscle tone.

Breathwork and meditation in a hot tub

Incorporating breathwork or pranayama and meditation into a hot tub yoga routine can significantly enhance the overall experience. The soothing warmth of the water naturally promotes relaxation, making it an ideal setting for deep breathing exercises. 

Focusing on the breath or practising mindfulness meditation can lead to a profound sense of peace and mental clarity. The combined effect of warm water, gentle buoyancy, and focused breathing can be a potent tool for reducing stress and enhancing emotional well-being.

Combining hydrotherapy and yoga for wellness

The combination of hydrotherapy and yoga in a hot tub creates a powerful synergy for wellness. Hydrotherapy, which involves the use of water for pain relief and treatment, complements the physical and mental benefits of yoga. 

The warmth of the water helps in relaxing muscles and increasing circulation, while the buoyancy reduces the strain on joints, making yoga poses more accessible and effective. Regular practice of yoga in a hot tub can lead to significant improvements in flexibility, strength, and stress reduction. 

It can be particularly beneficial for those with chronic pain conditions like arthritis, as the warm water helps in easing pain and stiffness. The soothing environment of the hot tub also enhances the meditative aspects of yoga, contributing to improved mental health and emotional balance.

Creating a regular hot tub yoga routine

Establishing a regular hot tub yoga routine can be a rewarding addition to your overall wellness regimen. For optimal benefits, it’s recommended to practice consistently, ideally 2-3 times a week

The duration of each session should be based on individual comfort and endurance levels, gradually increasing as one becomes more accustomed to the practice. Setting achievable goals, such as mastering a new pose or extending the duration of each session, can help in maintaining motivation. 

It’s also beneficial to keep a journal to track progress and reflect on the experience. This regular practice not only enhances physical health but also contributes to mental and emotional well-being, making it a holistic approach to fitness and relaxation.

The bottom line…

From foundational poses for beginners to more advanced exercises, hot tub yoga poses and exercises enhance both physical and mental health in a soothing, aquatic environment. Whether seeking to improve flexibility, strength, or peace of mind, this innovative approach to yoga is accessible and rewarding. 

Ready to embark on your hot tub yoga journey? Contact us today and we will guide you in selecting the perfect hot tub that meets your needs, ensuring a seamless blend of comfort, quality, and wellness.

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